Related Projects
Here I did sample a couple of links to related projects with same origin or similiar concept. Please be aware, that some of these are quite outdated:
- LionWiki - a minimalist wiki engine programmed in PHP. It is extensible, templatable, file based.
- TiddlyWiki5 - an ECMA-Script based wiki in a selfmodifying webpage.
- roWiki - now inactive development. This is, where mobiki came from.
- TigerWiki -TigerWiki is also fork of roWiki, written by CB. The original website is down, get it here from the LionWiki site.
- WiKiss - also a fork of roWiki, code is commented in french.
- WiKissme1 - again a fork of WiKiss.
Small content management systems (CMS) and forum software
- NanoCMS - Website is down, but code still available at
- CMSimple - Saved by Gerd Ebersbach
- - Blogless Writing